The Web Witch's Blog

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I write about the web, design, product management and little bits of life

Tagged "web platform"

  1. Pushing the future of the platform forward with The Web We Want
  2. The Web We Want Survey Results
  3. What the heck is an Origin Trial?
  4. Web We Want Progress Update - November 2020
  5. An Intro to Trigonometric CSS Functions
    web platform css
  6. A love note to CSS
    web platform css
  7. Greater styling control over type with CSS `initial-letter`
    web platform css
  8. Serving less data with the `prefers-reduced-data` media query
  9. Designing for Dual Screen and Foldable Devices With CSS
    web platform css
  10. Building better websites with the Chromium DevTools Issues Panel
    devtools web platform
  11. When to use CSS text-wrap: balance; vs text-wrap: pretty;
    css web platform
  12. CSS Media Query for Scripting Support
    css web platform
  13. CSS Media Query Support for Video <source> Elements
    css web platform notes
  14. My first two weeks at Igalia
    web platform career
  15. The Curious Case of the CSS Monochrome Media Query
    web platform css
  16. Exploring the Immersive Web with Wolvic
    web platform career
  17. The `<details>` and `<summary>` elements are getting an upgrade
  18. You can pay for that: How web browser features get built

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